Experience neck elevator before and after with NeckTite

Tjarda's experience story of neck elevator without surgery

Tjarda (42) underwent a neck elevator without surgery at ReSculpt Clinic.

I am so glad I had the neck elevator done, it changed my life.

"How good you look" people around me say, "you are totally radiant!". When I tell them I had a neck elevator done they are surprised. "Surely that is not necessary" they say. It appears that there is still a taboo around plastic surgery and I find that a pity.

Neck elevator before and after result is unimaginable

I would like to share my experience about the neck elevator I underwent at ReSculpt Clinic. It has truly changed my life and can recommend it to anyone who is still unsure about a sagging double chin. The difference from before and after the neck elevator is truly unimaginable.

For example, I was obese for many years. After I lost many pounds, my skin had become stretched and saggy. In addition, of course, the aging process continues.

Every time I looked in the mirror I was not happy. The sagging skin of my double chin is what really bothered me. After all, your face is the first thing people see and the sagging skin also gave me a tired facial expression. After much research on the internet, I ended up at ReSculpt Clinic.

necktite before and after treatment, necktite before after, necklift before and after, resculpt clinic, necklift experience

NeckTite makes obsolete facelift technology obsolete!

At ReSculpt Clinic, they use a still fairly unknown cosmetic treatment, which is really only done in America. They call this cosmetic procedure the NeckTite. A neck elevator but without surgery!

It is a new technique where they do not have to cut away excess skin, but treat the skin from the inside out. This makes the outdated facelift technique obsolete! This piqued my curiosity, because how exactly does such a neck elevator without cutting work?

So how exactly does a neck elevator without cutting work?

With that question I kept putting. Finally, I took the plunge and approached ReSculpt Clinic for a no-obligation consultation. I found the initial contact with Dr. Kadouch, medical specialist, to be very pleasant. Dr. Kadouch took ample time to tell me everything about this NeckTite treatment, the after process and the final result we could achieve. But he also informed me about the possible side effects and possible complications of a neck elevator.

The knowledge, skill and passion for the profession with which Dr. Kadouch talks about this treatment made me feel confident. For the neck elevator without surgery, I came to the right place at ReSculpt Clinic and the appointment was made for the first consultation.

During the consultation, I was introduced to Dr. Kadouch and Dr. Bruining. Both doctors with extensive knowledge in the field of neck elevators without cutting. During the consultation, my wishes were visualized and we discussed the entire procedure of the neck elevator / NeckTite treatment again. With all the information and an appointment I went home with a good feeling of confidence.

The day of the neck elevator treatment

The day of the appointment, with some tension in my body I went to ReSculpt Clinic. There I was warmly welcomed by Dr. Kadouch and a nurse. She put me at ease right away. The procedure of the neck elevator was explained to me again and I felt confident. Photos were taken beforehand and I was given sterile clothing for the procedure. My skin of double chin was disinfected and marked off.

necklift treatment, necklift experiences, necktite experience, necklift without surgery

Demarcation of the area by Dr. Kadouch for the NeckTite neck elevator

Then I was given small punctures, which were hardly painful, to numb the skin. Then an anesthetic fluid (tumescent they call it) was injected, this had to take effect for 45 minutes.

After these 45 minutes, 3 small incisions were made and they started the liposuction of the double chin. ReSculpt Clinic is the only Clinic in the Netherlands that can combine the NeckTite with liposuction treatment.

After the liposuction, Dr. Kadouch used a device, a kind of tube that causes the connective tissue under the skin to heat and cause the skin to contract again. The NeckTite device occasionally made noise. It is an extraordinary experience.

necktite treatment, necklift experience, necktite resculpt clinic

The neck elevator was not painful at all!

After the treatment, I was given an elastic black cap with bandages on the double chin. I had to wear this cap for about a little week, this looked a little crazy. But yes the operation was so not too bad and was not painful at all, so if this was all!

When everything was ready, I was escorted to a beautiful room where I was offered food and drinks so I could relax for a while. There I was given forms with all the information for the follow-up process which I could read at home. A check-up appointment was scheduled and before I knew it I was home.

neck elevator experience, necktite resculpt clinic

After neck elevator treatment at ReSculpt Clinic Amsterdam


After 24 hours, I was also allowed to take a shower and was able to see what my double chin looked like. My neck was a little swollen and some fluid was coming out, but it looked very calm.

After just a few days, I began to see the first results. What a difference, already. And that with the knowledge that it takes about 3 to 4 months before you can see the final results. After a few weeks, I really saw more and more results. My sagging skin on the double chin had disappeared and with time my jawline became tighter and tighter.

Neck elevator before and after result

The results of the neck elevator treatment with NeckTite were evident after only 2 weeks.

In retrospect, I should have done the NeckTite treatment sooner

I can say that it has totally changed my self-image and self-confidence is back. As soon as I look in the mirror I am a happy and joyful person. Looking back I should have done the NeckTite much earlier, but yes that is hindsight.

I can recommend this neck elevator without surgery to anyone who is uncertain and still unsure about it. My advice is to undergo this at ReSculpt Clinic! There you will be treated by very experienced doctors, who have passion for the profession.

Thank you ReSculpt Clinic!

neck elevator experience, neck elevator experiences, resculpt clinic, neck elevator without surgery, Dr. Kadouch

Tjarda with Dr. Jonathan Kadouch


Do you also want a tighter neck and jawline?

Want to learn more about NeckTite treatment or more information about a neck elevator without surgery without NeckTite.

Then contact us, we will be happy to inform you about the possibilities.