• Lipedema legs; symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

    Lipedema legs, a chronic condition that requires careful attention and treatment.

Lipedema legs - what is it?

Lipedema legs, also called thick leg disease, is characterized as an abnormal accumulation of fat. Lipedema occurs mainly in the legs. However, we sometimes see lipedema in the arms, buttocks and abdomen as well. The development of lipedema can be accompanied by pain and discomfort.

Patiënten met lipoedeem ervaren een aanzienlijke impact op hun kwaliteit van leven. Laat je niet ontmoedigen, met de juiste expertise is Lipoedeem goed te behandelen.

Kom meer te weten over lipoedeem via onze informatiepagina – Wat is Lipoedeem?

De eerste stap naar een leven zonder Lipoedeem benen – ReSculpt Clinic

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Lipedema legs symptoms; Thick upper legs

Lipedema legs is a condition that mainly affects women. Thick upper legs can be a symptom of lipedema. The first signs of lipedema are symptoms such as:

  • Heavy feeling in the legs
  • Quick bruising
  • Sore legs

Do you recognize this and suspect lip edema in the legs? Don't wait any longer, contact ReSculpt Clinic today

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Lipedema legs treatment; Liposuction legs

Lipedema legs can be well treated by liposuction or liposculpture of the legs. Lipedema leg treatment is a specialized form of liposuction performed under local anesthesia.

Tumescent liposuction is a safe and effective treatment method for lipedema, performed at ReSculpt Clinic by experienced medical specialists.

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Lipoedeem benen foto’s voor en na – de duidelijke resultaten

Foto’s van de lipoedeem behandeling waar het resultaat duidelijk zichtbaar is.

Dankzij onze uitgebreide expertise in dit vakgebied hebben we veel patiënten blij kunnen maken met blijvende resultaten. We zijn uitermate trots op de successen die we hebben behaald door constante ontwikkeling en verfijning van onze technieken.

lip edema legs, lip edema treatment legs, liposuction legs, lip edema liposuction, liposuction before after lip edema legs, lip edema treatment legs, liposuction legs, lip edema liposuction, liposuction before after

Resultaat van de lipoedeem benen behandeling foto’s voor en na behandeling

Liposuction legs for lip edema - the benefits

Liposuction of the legs for lipedema takes place in several stages. Women with large differences between the upper and lower body can benefit greatly from this treatment. Tumescent liposuction treatment offers several benefits:

  • Reduction of pain and swelling
  • Improved body contours
  • Increased self-confidence

Meer weten over de behandeling van lipoedeem met tumescente liposuctie bij ReSculpt Clinic. Lees verder op onze Liposuctie – vet verwijderen informatiepagina.

Lipoedeem benen – ondersteuning en lymfedrainage

Lipoedeem in de benen vereist ondersteuning voor een effectieve lymfeafvoer. Therapeutische elastische kousen, manuele lymfedrainage en pneumatische compressietherapie zijn bewezen methoden om het volume van de benen te verminderen, pijnklachten te verlichten en de progressie van de aandoening te vertragen.

Deze behandelingen, uitgevoerd door gespecialiseerde fysiotherapeuten en huidtherapeuten, kunnen significante verlichting bieden. Bovendien kunnen ademhalingsoefeningen de lymfestroom en afvoer verbeteren.

Lipoedeem benen en Lymfoedeem benen – de verschillen

Lipoedeem en lymfoedeem in de benen worden vaak door elkaar gehaald, maar er zijn significante verschillen tussen de twee. Lipoedeem is een stoornis in de vetproductie die voornamelijk bij vrouwen optreedt, terwijl lymfoedeem veroorzaakt wordt door problemen in het lymfesysteem.

Beide aandoeningen kunnen leiden tot vasthouden van vocht, resulterend in gezwollen benen en dikke enkels. Echter, een kenmerkend verschil is dat lipoedeem pijnlijk is bij aanraking. Daarnaast worden bij lipoedeem de voeten doorgaans niet aangetast, in tegenstelling tot bij lymfoedeem.

Want to know if your symptoms fit lip edema? Then fill out our online test

Lipoedeem benen ervaringen

With the diagnosis of "lipedema," it became clear to me that I have a disease that I can do absolutely nothing about myself but which surgically improves. Thanks to the successful surgeries I underwent at ReSculpt Clinic, for the first time in 10 years, I literally and figuratively feel lighter and have become, in terms of appearance, who I really should have been.

Lipoedeem benen – veelgestelde vragen

Yes, there are exercises you can do for lip edema in the legs. But this does not fix the lip edema.

At ReSculpt Clinic, a multidisciplinary approach to lip edema is taken. This means that lip edema is addressed in multiple aspects. Our clinic collaborates with several specialists such as:

  • edema therapists
  • physical therapists
  • nutritionists
  • skin therapists

Check out the specialists we work with to make lipedema treatment as effective as possible.

Lipedema is complex and difficult to recognize. It is often diagnosed too late or not at all. Lipedema is fat deposits that do not shrink with weight loss.

Because of these localized fat deposits, lymph and blood vessels can become damaged and nerve endings are stimulated. A low-grade inflammation develops in the lipedema, so to speak. This causes pain in the skin; the skin is sensitive to touch. Bruising occurs quickly and the legs often feel heavy.

Want to know how to recognize lip edema? Then take the online test →

Lipedema is a condition that cannot be cured. It is important to be diagnosed as early as possible. With early diagnosis, lipedema in the legs can be stabilized. Through a healthy lifestyle, proper guidance and treatment, we can keep this chronic disease under control.

ReSculpt Clinic is the fat expertise center of the Netherlands. Our medical specialists are specialized in the treatment of lipedema.

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