• Liposuction - safe fat removal

    With liposuction fat removal without general anesthesia

What is Liposuction?

Tumescent liposuction or liposculpture treatment is a technique developed in the United States in the late 1990s. Previously, fat was removed through traditional liposuction treatment and performed under general anesthesia.

One was more likely to have tissue damage during the procedure which then led to a longer recovery period. In addition, with traditional liposuction treatment, there is more chance of irregularities and complications.

Fat removal under local anesthesia

With the introduction of tumescent liposuction, fat is removed through a large amount of fluid. This fluid is injected into the fatty tissue and is done under local anesthesia.

Over the years, this technique has been constantly developed and refined. The results obtained are significantly better and the risks are much lower than with the traditional liposuction method. Liposuction with tumescent fluid, on the other hand, also has a shorter recovery period than traditional liposculpture.

ReSculpt Clinic - for the most beautiful results in liposuction

Resculpt Clinic

How does a Tumescent Liposuction treatment proceed?

Watch Dr. Hajo Bruining one of our fat experts, perform a full liposuction / liposculpture treatment.

What is tumescent liposuction?

Tumescent liposuction or liposculpture is fat removal under local anesthesia. This is done by injecting ample tumescent fluid into the area being treated.

The tumescence fluid consists of the following main components:

  • anesthetic
  • adrenaline
  • saline

The anesthetic and adrenaline will locally numb the treated area.

Using this technique eliminates the need for general anesthesia, which reduces tissue damage and promotes even removal of fatty tissue.

breast reduction, smaller breasts, breasts smaller

The tumescent fluid is injected into the fatty tissue with a cannula.

Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia allows for the ability to adjust posture during the procedure. This helps to approach the treatment area correctly.

At the end of the treatment, you can adopt a sitting and standing position. In this way, contours become visible that would remain hidden under general anesthesia. These contours can then be easily touched up for optimal results.

Benefits of liposuction treatment using Tumescent fluid

There are several advantages that liposuction treatment using tumescent fluid has over traditional liposuction treatment.

  • Less tissue damage
  • Localized fat deposits can be removed more accurately
  • Local anesthesia (no anesthesia required)
  • No excess skin
  • Nicer result
  • Quick recovery

What areas can be treated by liposuction?

Liposuction by means of Tumescent fluid can be performed all over the body. In the clinic we have different techniques of Liposuction, such as a slightly modified tumescent liposuction technique to remove fat, this is the lipofilling treatment.

Lipofilling treatment involves removing fatty tissue in one place and re-injecting it into another area of the body to create the right volume. We apply this technique for example for breast augmentation, buttock augmentation or to get more volume in the face and/or for correcting body contours.

breast reduction, smaller breasts, breasts smaller

Belkyra (double chin / hamster cheeks)

Yet another way to remove fat is treatment with Belkyra also called Kybella. With this treatment we can remove volume in the double chin and remove hamster cheeks without surgery.

Our clinic is the fat expertise center where fat treatments of the double chin, abdomen, buttocks, breasts, lovehandles (flanks), knees, legs and arms are performed with care and attention.

Read more about Belkyra →

Other forms of fat removal

In addition to our liposuction treatments, we can also use other forms of fat removal. We are happy to help you make an appropriate choice.

At ReSculpt Clinic, you just naturally become more beautiful!

What areas we treat with liposuction

Liposuction abdominal treatment

Fat on the belly and hips? Many of us have to deal with this. With clothing you already take this into account, especially in this day and age. Due to working and sitting at home a lot, we now know the term "corona" pounds.

The first place where these extra pounds show up is the abdomen. Are you also so eager to get rid of these extra pounds? Then our liposuction abdominal treatment is the best solution for abdominal fat removal. With tumescent liposuction, this excess fat can be easily removed.

Due to the skill and precision of our medical specialist, you will be very satisfied with the final result. This technique can be applied to both men and women.

Learn more about Liposuction abdominal treatment →

breast reduction, smaller breasts, breasts smaller

Breast reduction with liposuction

Do you have breasts that are too large or heavy? Does this hinder your freedom of movement?

Breast reduction surgery through liposuction or liposculpture is the best alternative and most convenient alternative to the classic surgical breast reduction under general anesthesia.

Our clinic's treating physicians perform this treatment with regularity. As a result, we have predictable results and a very low complication rate.

Learn more about breast reduction by liposuction →

breast reduction, smaller breasts, breasts smaller

Lovehandles removal through liposuction

Can't seem to get rid of your love handles? Have you tried everything and are those love handles still visible? We advise you to request an intake interview without any obligation.

The medical specialists at our clinic will inform you about the procedures and options of this treatment during the consultation. With tumescent liposuction, your lovehandles are easily removed.

Learn more about hip fat removal by liposuction →

breast reduction, smaller breasts, breasts smaller

Liposuction legs

How disappointing can it be? By now you're walking the soles of your shoes to get your legs tighter. Are you not managing to exercise away the fatty tissue on the inside of your legs? You still want to wear that one skirt, but your upper legs keep rubbing past each other. This is a big frustration for many women.

Localized fat deposits on legs

Excess fat on the legs is often genetic or has a hormonal cause. Localized fat deposits will be visible and felt at all times. By applying liposuction or liposculpture, removing these localized fat deposits is the best solution to remove excess fat.

Calf and knee liposuction

This technique can also be used to remove fat around the knees or near the calves. Knee liposuction provides the finishing touches to liposuction of the legs. It is a unique solution to remove those last fat deposits from these areas. You will be amazed at the final results in knee and calf liposuction.

Learn more about excess fat removal legs by liposuction →

breast reduction, smaller breasts, breasts smaller

Liposuction buttocks

Do you recognize it? Because of the "new normal" where I work from home and don't exercise much, those extra pounds have started to sit on my buttocks and hips. Or I exercise enough and do a workout every day to keep my buttocks tight. But those last extra pounds just won't come off. That's frustrating, isn't it!

Our clinic has the solution to this - tumescent liposuction or liposculpture of the buttocks. This technique is done under local anesthesia and the results are unprecedented.

breast reduction, smaller breasts, breasts smaller

Lower chin liposuction

Are you unhappy with the contour of your face? Would you like to have a tight jawline again? With a double chin liposuction treatment, this is possible. After treatment, you will immediately have a slimmer appearance and be able to enjoy your natural contours.

ReSculpt Clinic is the Dutch fat expertise center. Here, liposuction treatment is performed by the most experienced cosmetic dermatosurgeons.

Learn more about double chin removal by liposuction →

breast reduction, smaller breasts, breasts smaller

What are the liposuction costs?

The cost of liposuction or liposculpture treatment depends on the area to be treated. For the complete overview of liposuction costs per treatment, please visit our rates page.

Frequently asked questions about Liposuction

The cost of liposuction treatment depends on various factors, such as the location and amount to be treated. See prices for Liposuction on our rates page →

Liposuction does not involve removing a specific amount of fat. Liposuction treatment aims to achieve optimal medical as well as cosmetic results. The amount of fat removed depends on the size of the area and the thickness of the fat layer. Thus, this varies from person to person and per treatment. The most important thing is to find the balance between the best medical and cosmetic result.
Our medical specialists specialize in liposuction, feel free to contact us to discuss your options.

The right advice for the best results with Liposuction

Our medical specialists Dr. Jonathan Kadouch and Drs. Hajo Bruining specialize in fat removal through liposuction. In addition to other fat treatments, liposuction in Amsterdam is performed at the clinic on a daily basis.

ReSculpt Clinic - Best liposuction clinic Netherlands

With our sophisticated liposuction treatment and our vast experience in this field, we achieve the best natural results.

Liposuction information and introductory consultation

Want to learn more about any of the above liposculpture treatments and what the options are for you?

Then make an appointment for a no-obligation consultation with one of our medical specialists in liposuction.

During this consultation, our liposuction doctor will take ample time to educate you and answer all your questions about liposuction.

Make an appointment now